Wednesday 2 December 2009

Pleasant surprise

I have been pleasantly surprised by people's reaction to our going vegan. With a few exceptions, people have been very supportive and understanding and respectful, and some have even considered going vegan themselves, and one friend on Facebook, has, I'm sure not just through my influence, but an accumulation of insights and knowledge.

There is the primitive desire to be with ones own, a tribal feeling of safety with those who think similarly to oneself. Running the guest house obviously brings this kinship, and sites such as Volentia, and going to the Animal Aid Fayre in Exeter last weekend do too. The fayre made me feel quite emotional, at home, all warm, no need to explain anything, ah, except i did feel i wanted to explain to everyone why I am still wearing leather shoes, although I doubt anyone even noticed! i may do a separate blog entry about my thoughts on this.